In This Episode
- Who the Neurophone was originally developed for
- How it can help reprogram your subconscious and negative self-talk
- Our personal experiences with the Neurophone
- Get the Neurophone
The Neurophone by Patrick Flanagan, What the Heck is It?
If you ask random people about the Neurophone, most people have never heard of it. They will probably think that it's a new type of Android phone.
We like exploring these kinds of things. Sometimes we find some real gems and share them with other traders.
In this case, we are talking about the Neurophone, invented by Patrick Flanagan. Walter turned me on to this years ago, but I didn't start using it until recently.
I wish I had started using it sooner! Find out the benefits that we both have seen and how this device might be able to hep you improve your trading too.
Read the Transcript:
Hugh: Hi Walter, you turned me on to the Neurophone so I just wanted to tell people about it. What your experiences are and I could share some of my experiences also.
Walter: Sure. There's sort of two ways I guess that I see it for use and we'll put a link in for people interested. I think their new ones aren't really the Neo Neurophone. I don't think they have them anymore. I think you have to get a used one but you can probably find them. Unfortunately the inventor died so I don't know what the plans are; if they're going to be making anymore. Maybe his wife will commission another one of them or whatever.
So basically the device was invented by this guy named Patrick Flanagan. What it was meant to do was help deaf people hear. The way that that happens, it pulls sound in and instead of echoing the sound off your ear canal normally and what happens is, you put these two pads. They look like electrode things, you put them on your head and you actually hear the sound through your skull which is really kind of weird.
So that's one thing and you can actually learn like they say that you can put almost like hypnosis. How you get hypnotized and then they give you suggestions. You can kind of do that because it can entrain your brain waves. So that you're at a certain level of alpha or theta and then you can put information like how to speak a language or subliminal thoughts that you want. Any sort of suggestions you can put that in there.
You can kind of get really relaxed and then plug in an audio source and then you may or may not hear it but the idea is that it actually will be in your subconscious. I remember for the longest time I couldn't hear it and then eventually I did hear it and I was like, “Oh, okay I could hear it” you know the subconscious. The audio input I could actually hear it. If you're quiet enough you know and so that's kind of the way I see it.
It is sort of using it for two different ways and the research is that they had these gurus you know that were meditating out in India in the caves for decades. They tested their brain waves and they found that it was really interesting that they had all of their brain waves elevated which is normally not the case. Normally, we humans have one or another like you and I would be in beta right now which is sort of your waking state and that's sort of the dominant brain wave. When you're relaxing, watching a movie or something, it becomes alpha and then maybe when you're sleeping, you're down into theta or even delta certain stages.
So there's kind of like one brain wave that becomes dominant. What they found with these gurus, these meditative dudes that they had, all of them elevated and they found that the same thing would happen for people when they were using the Neurophone. It's kind of like a brain tool you know subliminal.
If you know about brainwave entrainment, you can get your brain waves to a certain level. You can also put some inputs in there like subliminal information and you can learn, read books in a way. When I say read books, plug the book in, the audio book and see if you retain that. So it's kind of a fun tool.
I've misplaced mine so I've been looking for it because I really miss it. I know you can find used ones. There was a guy in Canada that had some of the older ones, not the new ones for sale. Maybe we can find that link for people but what did you do? What did you find?
Hugh: Totally. I found that I can concentrate a lot better and then I actually get this like ringing in my ear after I use it. Some people would say that's tinnitus. Other people will also say that, that's because you're more sensitive to more subtle energies or subtle frequencies. So I tend to think it's the latter but just from a cognitive perspective, I can focus better.
It does help with learning things and I haven't done the language thing yet that's the next thing also. You can actually get the older one. This is the older one. You can get a brand new from Canada. If you pay in Bitcoin he gives you like a fifty Dollar discount or something.
Walter: Oh, really? That's awesome.
Hugh: You’ve got to trust the guy and stuff but that's been my experience so far. It's been really helpful just to kind of zone in and concentrate.
Walter They were talking about making another because they sold out of the Neo Neurophone and then they made another. They said they were going to do it again like making another lot of them but then for some reason they said, “Nah, we're not going to do it”. So everyone was like, “Oh!” I am sure you can find used ones out there or older ones or whatever because he had several versions. I mean, I think he invented it like in the fifties or something.
Hugh: Yeah, the old school ones were like the tubes sticking out and all that stuff. Pretty cool stuff.
Walter: Did you hear the story about how they got the patent? The story about how he got the patent is really cool. How Patrick was young you know he's thirteen or fifteen. His dad said, “Well, I know a patent lawyer” and they applied for a patent for it, the Neurophone. The patent office came back and said, “No. There's nothing out there like this” so patent rejected.
He goes, “Well, where would I get something protected that has never been invented before? If not the patent office you know.” What they were basically saying was, “We need to see Science that links up all the elements of your patent”. And so they said, “Listen, if you come to DC where we've got a deaf person in the office. Come to DC and show it to the deaf person. We'll plug them in and all that; if it works, we'll grant you your patent” because usually once they reject it, that's it. That's the story.
Typically, you do not get a sec like there's no appeal or whatever. It's like, “No, patent rejected” boom! That's it. So they did and they plugged it in. Plugged it into the person working there and they started crying because they could hear again and all that because they played her favorite record or whatever you know.
Hugh: Hey there! I hope you find this episode useful. I just want to let you know that Walter and I give away something valuable every month that helps traders improve their skills. You can enter to win by simply leaving an iTunes review and leaving a comment on our YouTube videos.
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Walter: So yeah, she could hear again. I guess she must have had hearing and then lost it you know and then got it back with the Neurophone. It's a really interesting device if you're into those sorts of things.
Hugh: How would it apply to traders?
Walter: What I used to do, I used to do exactly what you were saying for concentration. So I would put it on and then I would look at my charts. My routine is that in the morning, I wake up and I kind of look at my charts. See if there is anything that's looking good and then in the evening which is when London is trading, that's when I actually kind of put my orders in. Usually that's how I trade.
What I would do is actually put it on in the morning and then go and look at my charts because I found the same thing that you're saying. It really kind of, you feel like switched on. When we did the podcasts without the cameras on, I used to wear it on the podcast suite. The old podcast that we did you know the Truth About FX. I was always wearing that on. I had it on my head.
I found the same thing you did basically you know, like some people use coffee or whatever but it's a really good way. If you're doing back testing or you're making any sort of decisions that you want to be on point I would definitely say, “Yeah, that's something to use.”
Hugh: Yeah and I think if you do some positive affirmations or whatever you could probably feed that in also and that's what I've been doing. I think it's been helping. I've been experimenting with actually putting it on your arm. I have this case that holds it and then I put the sensors on my arm. So we'll see how that goes but I just started using that.
Walter: Some people get shocked, did you know that? Have you ever let someone use it and they are like, “Ah!” I do that to my friend and he was like, “Ah, get that off me” you know. I think you can make it more intense and less intense and louder. There's like a volume and there's an intensity. So everyone's going to react differently like they said.
Hugh: Yeah or just another cool tool to experiment with and see if it works for you.
Walter: Exactly.
Hugh: Okay, cool. Thanks, Walter.
Walter: See you.
Hugh: All the information in this podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and is not trading or investment advice.
Get the Neurophone
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